Their second film together gives sufficient indication that we might have the next hot jodi in Bollywood. What adds some required chutzpah to this potboiler, is the sizzling chemistry between the two. She literally shines in some scenes of the movie. And Deepika's acting is finally showing signs of real improvement. For his part, SRK necessarily hams it up delightfully to the hilt and renders a slightly tweaked and caricatured version of his now famous "Rahul" persona. However, the background score and cinematography are surprisingly quite decent. The songs (barring the "1 2 3 4" number), editing, and production design are admittedly all over the place, but then again you should be well prepared to ignore these parameters. Let's not even try and get into the other technical and creative aspects (or flaws) of the film, because if any of you'll went into a Rohit Shetty movie looking for a coherent plot narration or solid character development, then you'll need a serious reality check, or rather a surgical extraction of your prudish natures. The film exceeds expectations for the mere fact that it entertains you for most its duration. "Chennai Express" is actually his best work since "All The Best" (though nothing compared to "All The Best"), and does have a semblance of plot and even some heart, which is usually not the case with most of his projects. Reviewed by:Dare Devil Kid (DDK) Rating: 3.4/5 stars Say what you want about Rohit Shetty, but the man sure does know to mindlessly entertain you, unlike many of his clones spawned over the past few years, who just numb your senses with their weak endeavors in trying to ape his brand of easygoing, risk-free cinema.